Health Frequently Asked questions: (pl contact us for your medical problems, we will provide answer here).
1. What is the design life of our body- The research on human body shows that human body is designed for a life span of 400 yrs. Ancient Hindu Saints lived almost 400 to 500 years with the facility of death on will.
2. Can we live healthy without continuous use of medicines- Yes our body is designed to live healthy with natural foods and fruits, quantity as per requirement of energy for regular day style.
3. What is the root cuase of migraine headaches- Actually human blood pH level is in very close range of 7.35-7.45 for healthy life condition. the urine pH is 6.0-8.0 corresponding to this blood pH range. When the food input is very much of acidic nature, the blood pH goes less than 7.0, which is shown in the urine pH below 6.0, may be 5.0 or less. This acidic nature of blood is sensed by brain nerves and pain is the result. At this condition the digestive activity also stops, thus body temperature also goes low. So if we take alkaline foods and fruits the urine pH is increased. When the urine pH goes above 6.0 the migraine pain goes away. For detailed treatment pl contact us online with your full blood reports and urine routine test reports.
4. Can we treat Diabetes completely- Yes, by diagnosing the root cause, it can be totally reversed.
5. Can we treat High blood pressure-Yes, by diagnosing the root cause, it can be treated permanantly.
5. Can we treat Arthritis- Yes, the root cause of Arthritis is High uric acid, which can be controlled by avoiding protein foods and taking homeopathic medicine for some time.
6. Can we treat seizures problem- Yes, the patient can be trained to avoid certain health conditions that create seizures problem.
7. Can we treat Parkinsion disease permanantly- Yes, it's basically a resonance problem which can be treated by following certain methods to strengthen muscles to avoid resonance issues.
Contacts us for your problems, we will publish the solution to your medical problems. Pl follow vegietarian diets for getting maximum life span with 'death on will' facility.